We Make Work Suck Less.

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Transform Your Work 

from the Inside Out at CultureCon West 2024

November 13th & 14th

at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, Nevada

We believe every individual has the capacity to change workplace culture.  

Attend CultureCon West 2024 to explore the latest employee experience strategies and innovations that shape an engaging, inclusive, and productive working environment. Whether you’re an executive, team leader, seasoned HR professional, or simply passionate about positive organizational culture, CultureCon West 2024 offers a unique opportunity to network with industry leaders, participate in dynamic workshops, and discover the latest trends in cultivating a culture that creates a better world of work.

Every experience is built to equip you with pragmatic, actionable plans that can be quickly applied at your organization. Real, practical tools  to transform your organization’s culture from the inside out. 

CultureCon West 2024

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We are proud to feature engaging speakers from across the globe who are leading the movement towards more inspiring, fulfilling and productive workplaces.

Save 25% on all tickets - purchase before October 1st!

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Attendee Testimonials

25% Off Tickets

Conference Projections:

400+ Tickets

30 Speakers


25 Sessions

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Serge Romero

Chief of Staff at Bend Health

"One 15 minute conversation at CultureCon can change your whole perspective on workplace culture. It's a great place to bring a problem set, work through it, and make lifelong connections along the way."

Valerie Jackson

Chief People Officer at Zuora

"CultureCon is about being around people who are positive, who are committed to driving positive change around company culture. The Value for your own health and wellbeing radiates throughout the conference."

Mark Hopkins

Head of Employee Experience at Panoramic Health

"Bottom line: CultureCon is worth every penny. It combines actionable insights with the opportunity to make real connections with people. If you're on the fence, come!"

© 2024 CultureCon LLC | 111 King Street, Suite #33 | Madison, WI  53703 

Contact Us at info@cultureconusa.org

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